Updating the kitchen

I have equity in my house, can I release it for home improvement projects? The Motley Fool UK

Create extra storage in a snap with kits for bookcases, shelving, or cabinetry that you assemble yourself. Try a combination of open shelving and cabinets for a mix of storage and display space. Arrange wall-mount shelves above a desktop framed by cabinets or file drawers to fashion a home office or a kid’s homework station. Whether an art-arranging project went awry or you’re tired of looking at dings around the house, concealing wall blemishes is a weekend-worthy project.

  • Conversely, if your bathroom has a more traditional style, then you may want to select a tile that matches this style.
  • Appliance replacement just beat out kitchen counters by a fraction of a point for the fourth spot on the highest priority projects.
  • In addition to a built-in grill, outdoor kitchens often include features